5 Crystals to Help you Manifest Abundance
Posted by Melanie McLachlan on
When it comes to finding the best crystals for attracting a life of abundance, firstly a shift in mindset is required, however these beauties sure can play their part....
Below are just 5 Crystals to Help your on your Abundance Manifestation Journey!
Attributes: In nature, it grows in perfect, shiny, gold, squares.
Known for: Being a symbol of good luck. Commonly referred to as “fool’s gold.”
I call it the “get-it-done crystal.”
Attributes: A yellowish color, but they come in different shades.
Known for: It’s the stone for monetary abundance and personal power.
Citrine’s more light, fizzy, and happy. It’s like, “find your happiness and wealth and abundance will follow.”
Attributes: Varying shades of green, ranging from translucent to opaque.
Known for: They’re known as money stones in different cultures.
We know that commonly, green jade gets made into jewelry. Sometimes people want to wear their stones and crystals.
Attributes: A light pink, semi-translucent form of quartz.
Known for: It’s often used for compassion and for love.
Bringing in abundance is about learning self-love, self-empowerment and self-trust. It’s about being able to take down those walls so that you can have everything good come in, too.
Attributes: A whitish translucent crystal often found in stick sheets.
Known for: Being the energy clearing crystal; often used as “wands” to wave and clear energy.
Adding selenite to your bag of manifestation would be really great because it’s going to keep things moving. Think of it like a charcoal cleanser that helps you detox you and your home.
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